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Family Constellation Workshop: Father, Mistress

  • Elaine Dilley Bellingham, WA 98229 (map)

In 2025, public Family Constellation Workshops will be held monthly, from February through October, on the second Saturday of each month from 10am to approximately 5pm (with a lunch break from approximately 1-2pm) in Bellingham, Washington.

Register now!

This offering is for folks who want to do their own deep personal healing as well as learn more about the archetypes that drive Family Constellation work and profoundly impact our lives.

Two constellations will be set at each workshop. Register early, these precious few spots often fill-up months in advance.

Each workshop will include deeper study into two of the archetypes that reveal themselves in Family Constellation work:

March 8: Father, Mistress

April 12: Vanished Twin, Adoption

May 10: 1st born, baby of the family

June 14: Stoicism, Neurodivergence

July 12: Shame, Grief

August 9: Religion, Sexual Abuse

September 13: Child loss, Immigration

October 11: Love, Self

To be clear, the constellations we set don’t have to fit within the archetypal theme of deeper study for the given month. You may book your seats based on the dates that work best for you and set whatever intention would be most beneficial to you. However, you may also choose to book your seats using the scheduled deeper study as inspiration, knowing some of these archetypes in particular are active in you and/or your family system.

The investment is $70 for folks who attend and represent and $195 for the two folks who get to set constellations.